Coloured Blanco pre-dates canvas webbing

Further correlation of dates shows the introduction of Khaki-Blanco in 1900 (or earlier) puts it prior to the introduction of the 1908 canvas webbing. It seems to indicate the move too khaki was a concious decision of move away from the high visibility of whitened...

Propert’s green renovator

Allen Prior has again come up with a great addition to the website – a photo of their webbing cleaner in a jar. Assumed to be a prior version of their tinned paste product it is called, irritatingly with some imprecision, “Green Renovator”. More...

New Fleet product added

Allen Prior has kindly supplied a photograph of a jar of buff coloured ‘modern dressing’ as so illustrates an as yet unrecorded version of the Fleet product line. The Blanco mould of old was definitely beyond its sell by date as manufacturers jostle for...

Snowene white liquid

New photos have been added of the Snowene white liquid product, expanding the 1920’s and ’30s white cleaner domestic story and a world of white tennis shoes, sun hats and cricket pads still further. “As white as the Everlasting snows” they claim –...

Meltonian products dated!

The exact date of the Meltonian block products is now fixed. The product packaging was distinctly of the 1920’s and Germany was a key market so this did indicate a ‘between the wars’ period. But an advert found in a 1928 issue of the Wellington...

New website

September 2010 sees a move from to a new domain coinciding with a software and design upgrade. Blanco and Bull was thought to be more appropriate as the direction of content has included more footwear cleaning content than the originally...