Radium boot polish
On the label
Black waterproof boot polish
Radium Polishes Ltd, Broadheath Nr. Manchester
Black waterproof boot polish
Radium Polishes Ltd, Broadheath Nr. Manchester

Photo: David Pratt

Photo: David Pratt
This tin, printed in cream, gold and black on a green ground, is complete with contents untouched, all solvents long lost to leave a hard and shrunken block that has the faint smell of coal about it.

On the label
Black Beauty shoe polish
High grade wax polish – Black – Preserves and waterproofs the leather – Black – Radium (Broadheath) Ltd., Manchester
Black Beauty shoe polish
High grade wax polish – Black – Preserves and waterproofs the leather – Black – Radium (Broadheath) Ltd., Manchester

Photo: David Pratt

Rather unusually this tin (printed in white and black on a teal ground) displays a bit of careful recycling – the inside of the base, hidden by the black polish, can be seen the printing on the tinplate that belongs to someone else’s product and clearly demonstrates the company’s in-house tin manufacture.
More about Radium (Broadheath) Ltd here.