Furmoto Chemical Co Ltd

Furmoto Chemical Co of 1-3 Brixton Road, London, SW9. Telephone: Brixton 2880. Cables: “Furmotokem, London”. (1929)
The address was is use for at least the period 1929 to 1949 and the smart building is still very much in use.
1929 Listed Exhibitor at the British Industries Fair. “Manufacturers of complete cleaning and polishing equipment, for Home and Factory use. Solitaire Shoe Polish, All Metal Polish, Furmoto Car and Furniture Polish, Universal Cleaner, Non-slip Floor Cream, Spectakleer for Lenses.”
1947 British Industries Fair – Furmoto non-slip floor cream. Also Solitaire Shoe Polish De Luxe – cleans, polishes, waterproofs, preserves.

January 1925 – Townsville Daily Bulletin, Queensland, Australia

Photo: David Pratt

Photo: James Stafford Little

1945 Picture Post advert for Solitaire shoe polish

1949 British Industries Fair guide

GUARANTEED 100% NON·SLIP Furmoto shines floors like glass-produces a hard, tread-proof and waterproof surface on any kind of flooring and linoleum- yet on it you can’t slip an inch. Because of this it is the only polish you should use. Avoid accident claims as result of anyone falling on slippery floors. You are absolutely safe with Furmoto for with every tin is given £100 FREE INSURANCE AGAINST SLIPPING. Sold in tins, and larger sizes, at Oilshops, Ironmongers, Stores, etc. In case of difficulty write for name of nearest stockist to: FURMOTO CHEMICAL CO.. 1-3 Brixton Road. London. S.W.9.
Picture Post 1946
The last company to use the “Furmoto Non-Slip” name was Gramos Applied Ltd/Orapi Applied Limited, Spring Road, Smethwick, West Midlands, B66 1PT – www.orapiapplied.com