Wren’s Puwite cleaner
Puwite Cream in tins and bottles
Guaranteed not to rub off.
Puwite for buckskin, white canvas, suede etc.

Photo: David Pratt
Wren’s Puwite Cleaner for buckskin & canvas shoes. Will not rub off.
Wm Wren Ltd, Watford, Eng.
Directions: First thoroughly clean the article, then use a wet sponge to work cleaner into a cream. Apply cream thinly and evenly with sponge.
For buckskin & canvas shoes, topees, cricket pads, tennis balls, etc.

Photos: David Pratt
By appointment shoe polish manufacturers to H.M. King George VI
Wren’s Puwite Cleaner
It won’t rub off
Directions: First thoroughly clean the article. Work the cleaner into a cream with a wet sponge. Apply the cream thinly and evenly.
PUWITE makes Canvas and Buckskin Shoes, Cricker Pads, Topees, etc. REALLY WHITE
Trade Mark Regd.
Wren’s Puwite Cleaner
For buckskin and canvas shoes
Made in England by Wm. Wren Ltd. Watford.

Photos: David Pratt