Shoot ‘n’ Scoot K.G. No3 repro

New to the market (June 2010) is Shoot ‘n’ Scoot’s KG3 liquid blanco. At just £10 plus postage for a 250ml bottle it looks to be very good value indeed especially when it looks like there is sufficient to cover an entire set of webbing.
So to testing…
Here are the test samples, well scrubbed and washed 2″ straps along with an original well worn KG3’d strap straight from army surplus shelves.
Ready to start. A small quantity of the Shoot ‘n’ Scoot product has been poured into a tin lid for ease of use. Alongside is the Tarrago KG3 mix (instructions here).
Applying the product to webbing is very easy and fast as it is a thick liquid rather than the Tarrago gel and do requires little brushing out. While care naturally should be taken to ensure all the weave is well worked into there is little concern about caking.
Here are three products (S’n’S, Tarrago, Blanco) immediately after application of one coat while still wet.
From top to bottom: Original KG3’d strap as control, SnS KG3, Tarrago KG3, Blanco KG3
Note how dark Blanco appears when wet due to the high level of water content and of course webbing takes a long time to dry out. Both SnS and Tarrago are very quick to dry.
And after drying:
Second coat given to SnS and Tarrago samples and allowed to dry
From top to bottom: Original KG3’d strap as control, SnS KG3, Tarrago KG3, Blanco KG3
Conclusion. The Shoot ‘n’ Scoot is very good value at £10 for 250ml and should be plenty to cover a full set of webbing, straps, belt, pouches, small and large pack. The applied product is just as durable as Tarrago and should stand up to much use and abuse before needing reapplication (if you want a parade finish that is, if battle-worn then just let it degrade naturally). The colour is rather more Olive Green than Khaki Green though and could do with more brown being added to the mix for a perfect colour match.
The 250ml bottles of liquid Blanco can be bought directly from the manufacturer’s website:
Subsequent to the above test the colour of the Scoot & Scoot product has been revised slightly. Below is a side-by-side illustration of four products – original Blanco KG3 ‘dry & crumbly’, Tarrago shoe cream mix, Shoot & Scoot and Soldier of Fortune. The difference between the four is rather more marked in the photo, largely because of the different way the products apply themselves to the canvas. However, to the eye the most marked difference, as can be seen in the photo, is between the real Blanco and the Soldier of Fortune product which is rather poor – dark and a bit gritty and not a great experience in application. While the Shoot & Scoot product could still do with being a bit browner it isn’t bad at all. The author diluted it 1:1 with water to get a greater soaking into the canvas fibres and made two applications for evenness of colour.
An unreserved recommendation of this product.